
2015 LHAS Meeting Minutes.

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LHAS January 2015, Board Meeting (1/08/2015).

Attendance: Bob Livermore, Rex Rundquist, Herman Schultz, Jerry VonEhwegen, Jan Null, Anne Shaner, Bill Zales, Dotty Zales, Jeanne Bockholt, Jody Moats.

Call to order by President Bob Livermore at 6:25PM

Acceptance of Minutes. - Motion by Ann second by Jody.

President (Bob) -

Newsletter comments. - Ann stated that Carol Blair did all the logo redesigning work. Suggestions: Possibility of a new design OR keeping same design, but adding some birds, and the sun. People like the red color. Anne showed a copy of the newsletter on yellow paper with logo in black. Jan suggested that we announce at general meeting, asking for a volunteer designer.

Annual Reports. - The financial and the general information reports are done. Bob thanked Jerry VonEhwegen and Herman Schultz for providing essential information.

GBBC. - February 13- 16. - Jerry announced that people usually do it electronically.

The board unanimously approved that LHAS board meetings will start at 6:15 PM.

Chickadee check-off. - Bob passed information about the 1981 Iowa Law funding for all wildlife in Iowa. One may voluntarily donate a portion of the Iowa Tax refund (1040) (refer to the term “Fish/Wildlife at the end of the tax form). Nebraska has had a similar program since 1984; a tax-deductible donation to the Nebraska Wildlife Conservation Fund where every $1 donated is matched with $4. For a donation of $40 or more one receives a gift. (T-shirt with the image of a pouncing swift fox).

President Emeritus. - Bob will bring a job description next meeting.

Award. - Bob received a 50-year certificate given to LHAS from the National Audubon Society. - Dawn will write an article for the local newspaper with a picture of the board of directors. Bob mentioned that a NHS teacher started the Chapter. The Award will be displayed at the Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center.

VP Rex. - Because of inclement weather our speaker called to cancel at 5:30PM. He lives in Smithland. Doug Chafa is willing to be re-scheduled for a future date.

Secretary. - The minutes will be sent to all board members, as usual, via email. They can be corrected and approved via email.

Treasurer. - Herman said we have $3400.00 in the bank. The amount of $572.25 was automatic deposited from the National Audubon Society.

Newsletter. - Anne said that Chuck needs a replacement for the Iowa Audubon board. Maria stated that Chuck would accompany his replacement for a meeting or two.

Membership. - No report

Conservation. - Bill brought organic apples from his orchard, free for anyone to take home. Maria suggested that whatever surplus is left, be given the soup kitchen.

Education/Naturalist. - Jody reported that the Westfield Christmas Bird Count had 17 observers, with 48 species and a total of 2800 birds. Jerry will put info on the website.

Outings. - Jerry said next outing Jan 24th; same place, same time.

Programs. - Rex February. - David True. - March. - Chris Waas. - April. - Ty Smedes. - May. -Jane Hey. Rex suggested in the winter to have local speakers, as back up, if needed. Jody suggested asking high-school student, Brian Fernando, to talk about dinosaurs/birds.

Website. - Jerry said he will update the website.

Publicity. - Dawn. - Absent

Christmas BC. - Jerry Probst. - Absent.

Iowa Audubon. - Chuck. - Absent.

Social Committee. - Carol. - Absent.

Good News. - Herman reported that the Audubon Bird Count is now in its 115th year. It is the largest and longest-running citizen science project in the world. (Info was shared).

New business. - Snyder Bend is frozen and no birds have been spotted. Bill Zales reported that Briar Cliff University English Department is doing History of the Loess Hills project. He will be interviewed by BCU tomorrow, Jan. 9th, at his home. BCU students are required to take an Environmental course plus do a service project on sustainability and restoration.

Respectfully submitted by,

Maria Rundquist

LHAS Secretary

LHAS February 2015, Board Meeting (02/05/15)

Attendance; Bob Livermore, Rex Rundquist, Carol Blair, Jan Null, Jerry VonEhwegen, Herman Schultz, Donna Popp, Chuck Johnson, Anne Shaner, Jeanne Bockholt, Jerry Probst, Bob & Phyllis Nickolson, Bill Huser and Maria Rundquist.

Call to order by President Bob Livermore at 6:15PM

Acceptance of minutes. - Motion by Donna second by Maria.

President (Bob). -

Logo comments. - Anne passed around a revised logo; suggestions and modifications regarding sun included removing the rays, making sun smaller. Anne and Carol will work on that again and report back.

Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is February 14-16. - Encouraged participation and reporting via website. Outing is schedule on that weekend. Jerry will do reporting for the outing.

Chickadees check off. - This is a reminder when we do our taxes.

President Emeritus. - Bob passed a write-up of the job description, Motion by Maria second by Jerry Probst, after discussion board decided to call Past President after Donna checked/read the by-laws. We will bring to the general membership for a vote in April. Anne will write up a blurb in the newsletter regarding the changes. Motion passed.

Ian Parson book. - Parson wrote a book on birds. It is available on Amazon. Com for $10.00. Bob encourage everyone to read book.

Next year board. - We will have elections next May 2015. All vowed to stay on board, we will have a slate only to be voted on May general meeting.

Secretary Maria. - No report.

Treasurer Herman. - He didn’t get a bank statement yet, reported there is $3400 in the bank minus $100 for today speaker honorarium.

Newsletter Anne. - February 24th is deadline to submit articles for the March/April newsletter.

Membership Donna. - We have about 200 members,

Conservation Bill. - Absent.

Education/Naturalist. - Jody Excused.

Outings. - Jerry V. Nine people participated on January 24th Outing, There were 35 species. At 8AM started with a weather of 30 degrees and finished with 50 degrees. One new person attended. February 14th is the next outing. The annual gathering at Chuck Johnson/Donna Popp place at Gavin’s Point will probably be on 3/14/2015.

Programs. - Rex: Today’s speaker is David True on Shore Birds. March is Chris Waas. April is Ty Smedes; May is Jane Hey. Board suggestions for next year included programs on Costa Rica, Yucatan, and Sax-Zim Bog.

Website. -Jerry V. – Site was updated as of today including report on the last outing; had a call from Norfolk (Pat) interested in birding too.

Publicity. - Dawn. - Absent. Bob will talk to her about press release. Maria suggested that Bob Livermore write up something regarding the Chickadee Check Off and send it to Maria via email; she will take it to KWIT Gretchen Gondek next week.

Bob announced on February 18th at 7PM on IPTV to watch NATURE on “Owl Power”

Birdseed. - Jerry P. - 3 bags left and will make a deal at the general meeting.

IA Audubon. - Chuck. - He will not do it next year. Need to recruit someone. He will find out when is the next meeting. Will announce it at the general meeting.

Social Committee. - Carol. - March is covered. By Bob and Jerry Probst.

Good News:.- Rex reported four Snowy Owls, two Great Grey sightings and two Northern Hawk Owls on the Northern Minnesota Trip in January 2015.

New Business. - Carol reported that Don Pogensee has had many visitors at Moorehead Park in Ida Grove to see the Saw Whet Owls.

Herman said we have a listing on the new National Audubon website with a map.

Jeanne B. said She will announce our meeting in the Sierra Club FB and website; she requested a copy of the LHAS logo.

Rex will give the IRS letter to Herman (treasurer) to change to the LHAS P.O. Box address. Bill Huser will give Rex the second LHAS P.O. Box key.

Old Business. - Bob Nickolson commented that Mid-American ponds are legally their property. Birders need to file paperwork with them to be allowed to go birding at their ponds. He also reported that there are several types of waterfowl on the Big Sioux River near the Riverside swimming pool. Rex said there is a new Nature Center at Moorehead Park in Ida Grove and worth a visit.

Adjourn. - At 7:20PM Maria moved and Anne seconded.

Respectfully submitted by,

Maria Rundquist

LHAS March 2015, Board Meeting (03/05/15)

Attendance: Bob Livermore, Rex Rundquist, Jan Null, Jerry VonEhwegen, Herman Schultz, Maria Rundquist, Donna Popp, Chuck Johnson, Anne Shaner, Jody Moats (others present: Jeanne Bockholt, Bob & Phyllis Nickolson, Bill Huser and Brian Hazlett)

Call to order by President Bob Livermore at 6:15PM

Acceptance of minutes: (with corrections) - Motion by Donna; second by Maria.

President (Bob):

Shared thank you letter from WCCF for donation of $550.00, signed by program director, Dawn Snyder.

Shared three newsletters: Iowa Audubon Council (Dec 2014), Upper Iowa Audubon (2015 Spring) & Mississippi Currents – Quad City Audubon (Jan/Feb 2015)

Reminder of Chickadee Check Off on our Iowa taxes. (Will not be announced on KWIT)

Reminder that April meeting will be on the 9th due to conflicts with Easter Weekend.

President “Emeritus” (Past President) - Bob passed out write-up of the job description (with addition of a one-year minimum term). Decided to present to the general membership for a vote at the May meeting (in accordance with by-laws) at the same time as annual officer elections. Anne has written about this in the newsletter.

Presented a request from Iowa Young Birders for a sponsorship donation for their upcoming trip to see the Sandhill Crane Migration (for trip costs and meals). Moved (Donna), seconded (Jody) to donate $100.00 (Motion passed)

Vice President/Programs (Rex): Tonight’s speaker is Chris Waas. April is Jane Hey (Amphibians) in place of Ty Smedes, who was unavailable on April 9th; May slot is currently unfilled; Doug Chafa may be an option. Jody suggested Brian Fernando, a high school student with an interesting presentation on “dinosaurs and birds”.

Board was requested to provide some suggestions for next year’s programs.

Secretary (Maria): No report.

Treasurer (Herman): $140.88 profit on birdseed sales this year. Discussion ensued as to whether we continue this program. Bob gave Herman some mail from the IRS. Audubon Society P.O. Box rent is already paid. Current account balance = $3434.00 (including the bird seed profit).

Newsletter (Anne): Logo - Anne passed around the finalized logo; Motion to accept new logo (Maria); seconded (Rex); Motion passed. Next newsletter is in May 2015.

Membership (Donna): Announced new member, Robert Billiar (retired South Sioux City veterinarian); will write up for May newsletter. Bob will announce tonight.

Conservation (Bill): not present

Education/Naturalist (Jody): No report.

Outings/Web Site (Jerry V.) Eleven people participated on February 14th outing, there were 30 species with counts sent to GBBC. Had an 8AM start with a weather of 16 degrees and finished at lower teens. Two new persons attended. March 14th is the next outing, the annual gathering at Chuck Johnson/Donna Popp’s place at Gavin’s Point. (Leaving 7:30 AM at Singing Hills Wal-Mart)

Website (Jerry V.) – website was updated as of today including report on the last outing, newsletter and “bird of the month”; Donna will announce Gavin’s Point outing with Chuck’s phone number.

Publicity (Dawn): Absent. Monthly meeting announcements have been heard on KWIT.

Birdseed (Jerry P.) Excused absence (still seeking a replacement for this position)

IA Audubon (Chuck): Still seeking to recruit someone. Bill Huser will help recruit for this position.

Social Committee (Carol): Absent

Good News Items: Bill led a sizeable group to see eagles at Ponca Park’s “Breakfast with Birds”; several members visited Morehead Park (Ida Grove) to see Saw Whet Owls and swan; “March Madness” every Saturday in March at Ponca Park; “Bluebird” at Ponca in April.

Old Business: Rex asked that Herman (treasurer) change the Woodbury County 1099 reports to the LHAS P.O. Box address instead of using Rex’s personal address.

New Business: Dr. Brian Hazlett announced a new trip being planned to the Galapagos Islands for January 3-11, 2016.

Adjourn: At 7:00 PM. Maria moved and Jody seconded.

Respectfully submitted by, Maria Rundquist.

LHAS April 2015, Board Meeting (04/09/15)

Attendance: Bob Livermore, Rex Rundquist, Jan Null, Jerry VonEhwegen, Herman Schultz, Donna Popp, Chuck Johnson, Anne Shaner, Jody Moats, Bill Zales, Jerry Probst, Carol Blair (others present: Jeanne Bockholt, Bill Huser, Dotty Zales, Becky Williams, Jane Hey)

Call to order by President Bob Livermore at 6:18PM

Acceptance of minutes: (with corrections) - Motion by Rex; second by ?.

President (Bob):

Shared thank you letter and photo from Iowa Young Birders for donation of $100.00 to their trip to Kearney to see the Crane Migration.

Reported the need for a new Birdseed Salesperson and new representative to Iowa Audubon Council. Mentioned that there remains some question as to the profit from this year’s Birdseed Sale. Rex volunteered to take the Iowa Audubon position.

Vice President/Programs (Rex): Tonight’s speaker is Jane Hey (Amphibians). May speaker is Doug Chafa. September 2015 program will be presented by SOAR. We will be working with SOAR on the program content and appropriate setting for the presentation. It was suggested that the program begin at 7:00 PM since we usually don’t have a board meeting at that session. Rex will check about availability of Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center. Dotty Zales presented Bob L. with the Bob Moritz memorial donations to LHAS. It was moved and approved that $250.00 of that donation be used to fund the SOAR presentation in honor of Bob Moritz. Ty Smedes will do the October 2015 presentation with his new program on Loons.

Board was requested to provide some suggestions for next year’s programs.

Secretary (Maria): Absent.

Treasurer (Herman): Late arrival. No formal report.

Newsletter (Anne): Next newsletter deadline is April 28th for the May-Aug. newsletter.

Membership (Donna): No report.

Conservation (Bill): Briefly reported on the effects of nonendemic native species introduced into new habitats where they do not “belong”. Also explained how climate change could exacerbate this problem as various species seek out new “home territories”.

Education/Naturalist (Jody): Reported on her experience learning about the status of the Monarch butterfly through a presentation by Chip Taylor of “Monarch Watch”. Some discussion ensued about obtaining a flat of milkweed plants for members to plant to provide reproductive habitat for the Monarchs. Jody will seek one free flat for us to share.

(Jane Hey mentioned the Green Thumb Plant Sale on May 15th)

Outings (Jerry V.): Twenty-four people participated in the March outing to Yankton. 55 species were counted. April 18th is the next outing, Show N Go, leaving 7:30 AM from Singing Hills Wal-Mart.

Website (Jerry V.): Web site currently up-to-date, including report on the last outing, newsletter and “bird of the month”.

Publicity (Dawn): Absent. No report.

Birdseed (Jerry P.) Still seeking a replacement for this position. See above.

IA Audubon (Chuck): Still seeking to recruit someone. Rex volunteered. See above.

Social Committee (Carol): Monthly meeting refreshment schedule is going well.

Good News Items: Bill reported on Ponca’s March Madness which went well and included trip to Buckskin Hills to see the Prairie Chicken lek. Bob Nicholson reports that Ospreys are back on their nesting site on the cell phone tower near Port Neal. Jan Null expressed concern about some tree plantings that have appeared on the previous prairie walk trail at Bacon Creek Park. Diane Blankenship gave an update on this year’s Loess Hills Prairie Seminar including mention of some of the new presenters on schedule. The board voted to donate 250.00 for the seminar.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Birdathon 2015 will be on May 9th.

Adjourn: At 7:19 PM. Bill Zales moved and everyone seconded.

Respectfully submitted by,

Rex Rundquist (for Maria Rundquist)

LHAS Board Meeting (May 7, 2015)

Attendance: Bob Livermore, Rex Rundquist, Jan Null, Jerry VonEhwegen, Herman Schultz, Donna Popp, Chuck Johnson, Anne Shaner, Dotty & Bill Zales, Jerry Prosbt, Dawn Snyder, Carol Blair. (Others present, Bill Huser, Brian Hazlett, and Bob & Phyllis Nickolson).

Call to order by President Bob Livermore at 6:18PM

Acceptance of Minutes: Motion by Maria; seconded by Chuck Johnson.

Publicity: Dawn Snyder reported Birdathon this weekend; September program will be a tribute to Bob Moritz is in the newsletter. October 24th is the 20th anniversary of the Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center with a SOAR program as well. Loess Hills Audubon September 3rd SOAR program is a tribute to Bob Moritz. Consensus is that this will not conflict with Nature Center program, or the June SOAR program at Adams Preserve.

President (Bob): The January 2015 program was a DVD from the gift shop. The board voted and approved to pay $30.00 to the DPNC. Motion by Maria, second by Bill Zales.

Shared a catalog about DVD bird programs, price range from $26 to $40, for a possible Audubon Fundraiser. No motion. Received a letter of thank you and a photo from the Young Birders regarding our $100 contribution to their trip to Kearney, NE to see the cranes. Shared Quad Cities Audubon Chapter newsletter, brochure for Bird & Nature Festival in Ashland, WI, Mississippi Current Events, and bird watching on June 5-6 in Milburn, SD. Bob will announce the 2015-16 LHAS officer slate at the General meeting, as well as the proposed Past President position, all of which are to be voted upon.

Vice-president (Rex): September program: Hopefully Ospreys Program by SOAR (Tyler Flammang); October program on Loons by Ty Smedes; Looking for future programs.

Secretary (Maria): Shared report of Nov. 7th Sierra Club Chili Feed & Fundraiser.

Treasurer report (Herman): Reported a balance of $3646.18. Anne submitted a bill of newsletter printing and mailing ($40.55). Donation of $250.00 to the Loess Hills Seminar. Jerry Probst will find out about the Woodbury Co. Conservation check (lost?) for the seed sales for Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center. Herman said he has not seen the check. Dawn will re-send it to the P.O. Box 5133 (LHAS Address) if unaccounted.

The board voted to pay the speaker Doug Chafa Iowa DNR. $75.00. Motion by Chuck Johnson and seconded by Jerry Probst, passed.

Newsletter (Anne Shaner): Next newsletter in August 2015

Membership (Donna Popp): Will pass a sign up sheet for new emails and addresses.

Conservation (Bill Zales): Latest issue of Prairie Fire is now available.

Education/Naturalist (Jody Moats): absent

Outing & Website (Jerry V.): The latest Outing is published on the website, as well as the minutes. The bird of the month is the “Sora”. Birdathon is May 9th and is the outing for the month. Summer outing dates were announced and are on web site.

Birdseed Sales: Bill & Dotty Zales volunteered to take this over and Jerry Probst will continue to do the Sioux City Christmas Bird Count and compilation.

Social Committee (Carol Blair): Will arrange for September treats.

Good news items: Ed Sibley shared a letter to the Developer, Lance Morgan, CEO Ho-Chunk requesting protection of a natural area adjacent to proposed development in South Sioux City. Ed will read the letter at the general meeting and pass a sign-up sheet to collect signatures. He will attend the planning meeting next Monday in South Sioux City with Lance Hedquist, Lance Morgan and Bob Livermore.

Old Business:

Chuck Johnson will announce the May 9th Birdathon at the general meeting.

Carol reported that there are lots of fantastic birds at Desoto Bend.

Bob Nickolson was featured in the Sioux City Journal recently as an Audubon pioneer.

The IOU spring meeting is in Algona (May 22-24).

Jan Null requested members to call Kelly Bock at the City about newly planted trees on grassland area at Bacon Creek Park. Rex inquired about a summer board meeting. Brian Hazlett will announce his January 2016 trip to the Galapagos Islands at the general meeting.

Adjourn: 7:25PM

Respectfully submitted by,

Maria Rundquist

At the general meeting Motion by Anne Shaner, seconded by Bill Huser to elect the slate President Bob Livermore

Vice President Rex Rundquist

Treasurer Herman Schultz

Secretary Maria Rundquist

(Motion carried)

Motion by Jerry Probst, seconded by Grace Waggoner to have a past President on the Board. (Motion carried)

There are no meetings during the summer, so there are no minutes for June, July, and August.

Loess Hills Audubon Meeting Minutes--September 3, 2015

Members present: Bob Livermore, Jerry Von Ehwegen, Ann Shaner, Chuck Johnson, Donna Popp, Carol Blair, Herman Schultz, Jerry Probst, Bob & Phyllis Nickolson, Rex Rundquist, Bill Huser, Dawn Snyder, Brian Hazlett, and Jan Null. The meeting was called to order at 6:20 PM by President Bob Livermore.

The May 7, 2015 minutes were approved.

Secretary’ Report: No report.

Treasurer’s Report: Current balance is $4545.00.

Committee Reports:

Publicity: Thank you Dawn Snyder for the great publicity in the Sioux City Journal! Dawn’s email has changed to this:

President Bob: Thanks to everyone for serving your Audubon Chapter. The organization is stronger because you serve.

Vice-President Rex: Programs: Rex reported on the scheduled programs. He asked for ideas for January, February, April and May.

Tyler Flamang has the program tonight on the Osprey and SOAR.

Ty Smedes will be our program in October on ‘LOON MAGIC’, (there is a possible program on the Arctic? For next year.)

November will be another of our tributes to Bob Moritz. Tonight’s program and November is being funded by Bob’s memorial money.

December is photo night from members.

March is Jerry Toll and Don Poggensee on Northern Saw -Whet Owls.

Newsletter: Anne reported that the Bird Seed Order Form is due by the October meeting.

Membership: -- Donna will announce at the meeting that she would like emails from any possible members.

Conservation: Bill is absent, but Anne reported that Seed & Feed is on September 18.

Education/Naturalist – No report.

Iowa Audubon: Rex attended the state Audubon meeting.

Outings: Jerry Von Ehwegen reported on three outings:

June 6—Loess Hills State Forest with 12 people and 71 species were reported.

July 11–Bison Days with 22 participants and 69 species, Delicious lunch at Zales.

August 15–Oak Ridge Conservation Area with 7 participants and 56 species.

The next outing is September 19 and all should meet at the NW corner of Wal-Mart at 7:30 AM.

Website: Jerry VE reported that the website is up to date—outings, meetings, the Bird of Month, the Bird Food Order Form, and the current Newsletter have been added.

Bird Seed Sales– Thanks to the Zales! Give ideas for increasing sales.

Social Committee: There is a sign-up sheet which will be passed around. Thanks to Carol for setting up, making coffee and cleaning up.

Good News Items!

NOU Meeting: Bill Huser informed us that the NOU meeting will be held in SSC at the America- Best Value Inn. Registration is $10.00—there will be Field Trips and a speaker Saturday PM. September 25-27 is the date. You can register and get information on the NOU website.

The Ponca State Park outdoor Expo is September 19-20.

Dawn had information on the annual REAP meeting and has flyers to distribute.

Chuck Johnson reported on the successful Bird-a-thon, 9 teams, 17 people, 160 species, and $930 raised!

Bob Livermore showed a list of all the presidents from 1973 through the present.

Old Business:

New Business: Jerry VE—WIT will be Hosting the annual Iowa CC Biology Teacher’s Conference this year with a Field Trip on Friday, September 25th, at Owego. Jerry was asked by WIT to join the field trip and anyone is welcome to join him to help on the history and birds of the area.


Jerry Von Ehwegen was asked by Brent Olson of the DNR to provide records of the birds that have been seen at the Loess Hills State Forest as they are considering that area for a Bird Conservation Area. LHAS members have been monitoring that area since 2003 and a copy of the 141 species that have been found there was sent to Brent.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM.

Attendance for the program was 48,

Submitted by Jan Null, Secretary pro tem

Loess Hills Audubon Meeting Minutes---- October 1st, 2015

Members present. - Bob Livermore, Jerry Von Ehwegen, Ann Shaner, Donna Popp, Chuck Johnson, Carol Blair, Herman, Schultz, Bob & Phyllis Nickolson, Rex & Maria Rundquist, Brian Hazlett, Jan Null, Dotty & Bill Zales.

President. - Bob Livermore opens the meeting at 6:22PM.

Woodbury Wanderings. - Check amount $225.00. Motion by Dona, Second by Dotty. Approved.

Audubon bird guide application. - Email request from Vanderbilt University. Professor Thomas Palmeri, Ph.D. would like our participation for his research project testing birding experts funded by the national Science Foundation, to contact members of the LHAS to ask for their participation. Motion by Maria, Second by Dotty to publish Dr. Palmeri request in the newsletter and the website. Motion Passed.

President Livermore misplaced the POBOX keys. Will ask Bill Huser for the 2nd set of keys.

The September minutes were approved, by motion Maria,; seconded, Herman.

Publicity. - No report

Vice President Rex. – Programs/Iowa Audubon

Next Iowa Audubon meeting is October 25th, in Boone, Iowa. Rex/Maria will attend.

Today’s program. - Ty Smedes. – “Loon Magic”

November. - Jon Stravers. – “Cerulean Warbler Project”

December. - Audubon members photos

January. - Bob Livermore “Costa Rica”

February. – (possibly, Paul Roisen. – “Madagascar”)

March. - Don Pogonsee/Jerry Toll “Saw-Whet Owls”

April. - Larry Stone. - Iowa Humanities “Gladys Black” - Donna and Chuck will provide the lodging.

May. – (possibly, Larry Dau. - from Central Iowa on “Bird Photography”).

Secretary - No report

Treasurer - Herman. - Balance amount of $4391.00 paid $150.00 to SOAR

Newsletter - Anne. - Dateline is October 19, 2015

Membership - Donna. - Will pass a sign up sheet to (emails) about 250 members.

Conservation - Bill. - Seed & Feed a success. Collected 5 lbs. of seed. (Lead plant, white/purple clover, 44 people attended.

Bill inherited Bob Moritz books. – Many books already donated to BCU, Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center, Master Gardeners, Prairie Network, Plant Society. Those remaining are offered to Audubon members and guests tonight. Asked for donation to the LHAS or other local conservation entity. Bob Moritz hat will go to Jerry Von Ehwegen, our current outing director. Also Bill/Dotty brought 2 buckets of organic apples to give-away. Bill announced the Federal Stamp Duck is available at the post-office for $35.00; will also get you free pass to the National Parks, NWR’s, etc. He encouraged purchasing the “wildlife habitat fee” and “Iowa migratory gamebird fee” which go to local conservation. REAP is not well funded; also, much of the money goes to pay county taxes on land purchases.

Outings & Website - Jerry V. 59 species and 6 people attended the last weekend outing. The next outing is October 17, 2015 meet at 7:30Am same place. Website is updated.

Birdseed - Dotty. - 17 orders so far, will announced tonight and Brian will bring an order to Ms. Candy Coffin from BCU. Bob suggested ideas to increase bird sales. In the past we had a kiosk at the mall; also did door to door sales to people who own bird feeders. Bird food delivery will be at the November LHAS meeting.

Social Committee - Carol Blair. - Will pass the list to sign-up

Good News - Bob comments regarding the Nebraska Ornithologist’s Union. - About 40 people attended. Bob was the leader of the field trips. Peregrine was chasing a Hairy. Also saw peregrines in Morningside EHS parade. Rex commented that Mark Brogee gave a great presentation on bird ID on Saturday evening.

Old Business - Bob said 100% attendance at the Heinemann 50th anniversary. At the WinnaVegas Casino.

Maria will announce the Chili Feed & Auction of the Sierra Club.

Loess Hills Audubon Meeting Minutes November 5, 2015

Members present. - Jerry VonEhwegen, Anne Shaner, Donna Popp, Carol Blair, Herman Schultz, Bill & Dotty Zales, Bob & Phyllis Nickolson, Jan Null, Brian Hazlett, Bill Huser, Jerry Probst, Jody Moats, Rex & Maria Rundquist.

Vice-president. - Rex Rundquist opens the meeting at 6:17PM

Review and accept minutes of October 1, 2015

Motion by Dotty-Second by Anne Shaner. - Approved.

Officer Reports:

Publicity (Dawn Snyder): Absent

President (Bob): Absent

President (Rex):


Tonight’s program (Jon Stravers – Bird Research in Iowa’s Driftless Area)

Cover the $350.00 fee. Motion by Donna, 2nd by Jody. Approved (remainder of Bob Moritz Memorial Fund)

April 2016 program (Larry Stone – Gladys Black: Iowa’s Bird Lady)

Cover the $50.00 fee. Motion by Dotty, 2nd by Carol to be paid to Humanities Iowa Speaker’s Bureau. Approved.

December program. – (Member’s slide show)

Limit 20 slides per member. - Everyone will be asking to bring treats.

Other dates: January Program - (Bob Livermore – “Costa Rica”); February program. – Open; March program. – (Don Pogonsee & Jerry Toll “Saw Whet Owls”); April Program. - Larry Stone; May Program. - Open.

Iowa Audubon report.

Written report shared regarding Bird Friendly Iowa, etc. (see attachment)

Discussed participation in NAS’s Climate Change Initiative/Bluebird Survey project January 15-18, 2016. Consensus was to participate. Jerry Probst volunteered to be the chapter “point person” for this effort. Rex will communicate to NAS and Iowa Audubon.

Secretary (Maria): No report.

Treasurer (Herman): Account balance: $5624.00

Newsletter (Anne): No report.

Conservation (Bill): No report.

Membership (Donna) we get new emails each month, will pass the list tonight.

Education/Naturalist (Jody) “Come and celebrate Christmas at the Homestead” event n Saturday November 14th from Noon to 4:00PM

Outing/Website (Jerry V) last outing 9 people, 43 species, (12 sparrow species) Nov. 7th next outing in Nebraska at Kramper’s Lake, Ponca Park, etc.

Christmas Bird Count. - (Jerry P.) Sioux City December 19; Ponca December 14th; Yankton December 20th; Ida Grove December 20th.; Westfield December 27th. (Dan Smith is in Charge for Westfield count)

Birdseed (Dotty) Amount sold $4,663.40; After bills are paid, think we will make about $1400 revenue.

Social Committee (Carol B) Need one person for January and May for “goodies”. Will be announced at the general meeting.

Old Business. - None

New Business. - Sierra Club Chili Fundraiser is Saturday November 7th at the DPNC

Carol announced that there is about 4 Wilson’s Snipe at D. Ponds on 280th Street.

Dotty thanked to the people that came to unload the birdseed tonight.

Jerry Probst said, he sent a birthday message to Paul Roisen to his Madagascar address.

Dotty brought to share 3 buckets of Winesap apples for anyone to take home.

Meeting Adjourn at 7:15PM.

Respectfully submitted by,

Maria Rundquist


Loess Hills Audubon Meeting Minutes December 3rd 2015

Members present. - Jerry VonEhwegen, Anne Shaner, Donna Popp, Carol Blair, Herman Schultz (came after the meeting) Bill & Dotty Zales, Bob & Phyllis Nickolson, Jan Null, Brian Hazlett, Jerry Probst, John & Sharon Polifka, Rex & Maria Rundquist.

Call to order at 6:17Pm by President Bob Livermore.

Review & accept minutes. - Motion by Dotty and second by Donna. - Approved.

Officer Reports:

Publicity. - Dawn. - Not able to attend.

President Bob. -

Future Board Members. - Brian Hazlett, Jerry P, formed a nominating committee with Maria. They will bring a report prior to the February meeting.

Several inquire to help: To sell ads in our newsletter. Nature Center sells ads. We need rules to sell ads and board felt we need more time. Tabled for next January meeting.

Chickadee Income Tax Check off. - It will be published in our newsletter.

VP Rex Rundquist & IA Audubon Rep.-

January. - Brian Fernando. - Dinosaurs and birds

February. - Bob Livermore. - Costa Rica

March. - Don Pogonsee & Jerry Toll “Saw Whet Owls

April. - Larry Stone Gladys Black Iowa’s bird lady

May program. - Open

Iowa Audubon report. -

Climate Change Initiative. - Blue bird survey. - Jerry Probst is the contact person for the chapter. Jerry has maps. - More info in the next meeting.

Secretary. - Maria. - Minnesota Avian trip for February 5 to 9 Carroll County Conservation Foundation is in charge of that. Contact

Treasurer Herman S. - Bob reported $3941.00 balance

Newsletter Anne: December 28th is the deadline for newsletter.

Membership Donna. - Bob will announce new members, Will pass the list tonight.

Conservation Bill. - Nitrogen pollution and is a deer season be careful on the roads.

Education/Naturalist. - No report

Outing/Website. - Jerry V. 15 people & 52 species at Kramper’s lake in Ponca NE.

Xmas count December 19th, Ponca December 14, Yankton December 20th Ida grove December 20th Westfield December 27th (Dan Smith in charge of bird count) It will meet at Broken Kettle Hwy 12 at 7:30AM and lunch in Akron about Noon.

The website is updated, Programs will be on website. Website counter is getting lots of hits, need suggestions to visit the website.

Birdseed. - Dotty. - Left 4 bags of 50 lbs. at $36 and 2 bags of 50 lbs. at $30. It will be announce at tonight’s meeting.

Old Business, None

New Business. - Movie/Documentary Racing Extinction. - Good to watch at Discovery Channel.

Adjourn. - 7:15PM

Respectfully submitted by,

Maria E. Rundquist. - LHAS Secretary