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Loess Hills Audubon Society Meeting  Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center  9 January 2020


Chapter Executives Present:  Davd H., Paul R., Randy W., Jeri W., Jerry V., Donna P., and Dotty Z.

Chaper Executives Absent:  Anne S., Rex R.

Honored Guests: Dawn S., Bill H., Jan N., Chuck J., Bob and Phyllis N., Bill Z., Jan N., Gracie W., Anna R., and Gary H., John P., Sharon P., Jody M.


  1. Call to Order at 6:22 PM by David H.        

    1. It is committee night.

    2. Just a few announcements:

      1. Outings by Bill Huser

      2. February outing is GBBC

        1. Car pool to Ponca State Park GBBC for Breakfast and Birds

        2. Van tours to other areas of the park.

        3. Meet at 0700, 15 February at Singing Hills Walmart to carpool to Ponca.

      3. March – March Madness at Ponca for waterfowl at a wetland blind

      4. Possible Sandhill Crane trip next year? Probably car pool to the area





  3. Rob Schultz, Audubon Upper Mississippi River (flyway) office is our speaker tonight.

  4. Bill Zales - North American Prairie Conference coming to Des Moines in July

    1. Donations requested to help with the conference

    2. Various levels are available

    3. Move the request

    4.  to projects or conservation committee to consider a donation from LHAS.

    5. Bring back to board next month?

  5. This question was brought up:  What are the goals of this group?

    1. Not really set as a group.

    2. Possibly have conservation committee evaluate.

  6. Sympathy card is available for the Peter Vandemeer family. Peter was a long-time LHAS friend and supporter.

  1. Please provide all information for our year-end report to National Audubon.

  2. Approval of committee chair appointments from the president

    1. Move to approve the committee appointments by Donna P.

    2. Second by Dotty Z.

    3. Approval by unanimous vote; no opposed, no abstentions

  3. Nominating committee needed for February

    1. President and vice-president are up for election (even years)

    2. Directors 2 and 4 are up for election (also even years)

  4. Break into committee for individual work

  5. We adjourned at 7:25 PM for the general meeting.



    7:30 pm

  1. Call to order at 7:30 PM

  2. Announcements

    1. Ponca State Park for February 15, 2020

      1. Outing to coincide with the Great Backyard Bird Count

      2. Might need entrance fee for the park

    2. Iowa Prairie Network at Ames later this month

  3. Sightings

  4. New nametags!

    1. Thank you to Paul and Anna!

    2. They are reusable! Please return them at the end of the meeting.

  5. Speaker is Rob Schultz, Audubon Upper Mississippi River office

  6. Adjourn at 8:35 PM

    Attendees:  27

LHAS Chapter Executives

President David Hoferer

Vice-president Paul Roisen

Secretary Randy Williams

Treasurer Jeri Watkins

Director 1 Jerry Von Ehwegen

Director 2 Donna Popp

Director 3 Anne Shaner

Director 4 Rex Rundquist

Director 5 Dotty Zales

Loess Hills Audubon Society Meeting Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center 6 February 2020


Chapter Executives Present:  Davd H., Paul R., Jeri W., Randy W., Anne S., Jerry V., Dotty Z., and Donna P.

Chaper Executives Absent:  Rex R.

Honored Guests: Bob & Phyllis N., Bill Z., Chuck J., Jan N., Jody M., Anna R., Dawn S., Bill H., John & Sharon P., Carol B.



6:15 pm

  1. Call to Order at 6:18 PM

  2. Approve minutes from December and January meetings

    1. Additions or corrections to Dec/Jan minutes?

    2. Motion to approve minutes from both meetings moved and seconded.

    3. Minutes approved

  3. Secretarys Report – Randy W.

    1. See Communication Committee report below

    2. Mail in PO Box :  Thank you from Laura VanderMeer with donation of $100 – see associated .pdfs (total of 2) included with this report.

  4. President’s Report – David H.

    1. Information shared about heart surgery for Rex R. in Omaha. Rex and Maria have a temporary apartment in Omaha

    2. Year-end report was finalized and submitted to National Audubon on 26 Jan 20

    3. Official Board vote to approve Bill Huser as the new Outings Chair?

      1. Group did not feel this was necessary

      2. This change met with everyone’s approval

      3. Thank you, Bill, for agreeing to do this for us

    4. Nominations committee is required

      1. President, Vice-President, and Directors 2 and 4 (see below for the people involved) are up for re-election

      2. Bill Huser volunteered to be part of the committee

      3. Supplement:  Randy W. emailed Bill H. and David H. on 7 Feb 20 and agreed to help Bill.

  5. Vice-President’s Report – Paul R.

    1. Paul R. e-mail from 5 Feb 20 stating he will step down from all current positions at LHAS effective 8 May 2020 to pursue several Madagascar mission outreach related activities.

    2. Paul – thank you for all of your hard work to help us out!

    3. Committee statements, committee goals, and committee action plans remain outstanding.

    4. Handouts were provided regarding:

      1. Bookkeeping and Budget Questions

      2. Budget Meeting Preparation Sheet

      3. Mission Statement, Chapter Goals, and Action Plans

      4. There was no discussion regarding these documents

      5. No electronic copy was made available. The hard copy documents have been scanned as .pdfs and are included with this report (total of 4 .pdfs).

  6. Treasurer – Jeri W.

    1. Meeting times change to 6:00 PM (board) and 7:00 PM (general program)?

      1. No real objections among Board Members to start earlier next season

        1. Tabled to March? Everyone please consider this proposal for its pros and cons

        2. Reminder:  A board meeting can be called at any time provided there is sufficient notice.

    2. Name tag reimbursement to Paul R.

    3. Debits: $157.62

    4. Credits:  $20

    5. Balance: $6171.26

  7. Membership Committee – Donna P.

    1. New membership report from National will be out in mid-February

    2. Webinars from National Audubon

      1. Invitations out to LHAS members by e-mail

      2. These are recent developments from National

      3. Dotty Z., Donna P., and David H. signed to a couple

      4. Anyone else interested?

  8. Chapter Activities Committee – Dotty Z.

    1. Meetings

      1. Tonight’s meeting regarding bird migration

      2. David H. and Dotty Z. in March for native plants

      3. April – Botswana

      4. May – The Loess Hills of China

    2. Loess Hills Prairie Seminar is fast approaching

      1. Request from Dianne Blankenship to continue support for the seminar

      2. Past contributions of $250

      3. Motion to contribute $250 for 2020

        1. Motion by Dotty Z.

        2. Second by Donna P.

        3. Approved by unanimous vote

    3. Outings

      1. Feb – Sat 15 Feb

        1. Birds and breakfast at Ponca State Park

        2. Van tours of areas around the Park will be available in the AM.

        3. Other areas may be visited by the LHAS group based on who wants to do what and when.

        4. Meet at the Singing Hills Walmart at 7:30 AM to car pool to Ponca

        5. A park permit – daily or annual – will be required.

        6. Or, meet at Ponca State Park at 8:30 AM.

      2. March – Ponca State Park again

        1. March Madness for morning and evening trips for waterfowl blinds.

        2. Will have to meet earlier in order to get to the blinds in the AM

        3. More information forthcoming

  9. Communications Committee – Anne S. and Randy W.

    1. Newsletter articles are needed by 25 Feb for Anne S.

    2. Randy W. provided a demonstration of the new public website draft by Samuel Castro as well as an overview of the private (LHAS-only) section of the website, including MailChimp, in order to provide an integrated public and private working and communications environment for this chapter.

      1. A robust discussion ensued

      2. Some felt the new public site was difficult to navigate

      3. Some objected that the site looked different depending on the device used (desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone) and the web browser used on the specific device.

      4. Some liked the new look and the fact that the site will customize itself for best presentation no matter the device or web browser used.

      5. It was also noted that not all information was accurately moved from the current website to the new site

      6. Some form of cross check would be required prior to the new site going live.

      7. Objections and errors would be shared with Samuel for further work and revision.

      8. Randy W. volunteered to lead on the new site with training provided to and assistance from David H. and Donna P. Others are welcome to participate.

      9. The private (LHAS-only) side would operate via G Suite for Business from Google

        1. Chapter business would be conducted in this half of the site, including

          1. Chapter documents

          2. Committee work and appropriate documents

          3. Citizen Science data could be stored here for easy retrieval by board and committee members

        2. Samuel would provide integration services between these halves and include training for future updates and maintenance

        3. Integration would include newsletter, MailChimp, Bird Hotline and calendar functions among others

        4. This would provide a centralized database for all chapter activities, reports, forms and communications.

    3. A domain name (most likely “”, this name is currently available) would need to be purchased from Google.

    4. A Communications Committee report from 9 Jan 20 was e-mailed to board members and members of the communication committee prior to this meeting

      1. It contained a motion for further developmental work on the website, see below.

      2. The motion included a request for the purchase of a domain name and for the purchase of G Suite Basic (Google Drive Basic for Business) for development and integration of the private LHAS-only portion of the new website

    5. The Communication Committee moved to

      1. Pay Samuel Castro the remainder of the funds due him for the development of the new LHAS website on SquareSpace.

      2. Reimburse David H. for $144 paid to SquareSpace to continue Samuel’s development of the new website.

      3. Another robust discussion ensued.

        1. The board was reminded that:

        2. Funds for Samuel ($300 total) and

        3. Paying for development of the new website on SquareSpace

        4. Were approved by a vote of 7 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions at our December meeting

      4. The motion to reauthorize $200 in payment to Samuel for funds due him (see E., 1., above) was approved and passed with 5 members in favor and 2 opposed.

      5. The motion to reimburse David H. for $144 (see E., 2., above) for one-year access to SquareSpace for the development of a new LHAS public website was approved and passed with 5 members in favor and 2 members opposed.

    6. The Vice-President of the chapter withdrew from participation in any further actions.

    7. Funding for the G Suite Business portion of the motion for the LHAS-only section of the new website was tabled.

    8. The Domain name purchase for the website was also tabled.

    9. Comments were noted regarding board members being able to resolve their differences.

  10. Conservation Committee – tabled to March

  11. Projects Committee - Request to support Loess Hills Prairie Seminar – see above, Dotty Z. and Chapter Activities report.

  12. Old Business – see above

  13. New Business - Audubon Campaigns webinar – Donna, Dotty and Dave, see above, Membership Committee report.

  14. Tabled Business

  15. Adjourn at 7:25 PM



    7:30 pm at 7:35 PM

  16. Announcements - Feb & March outings to Ponca

  17. Recent sightings? - Pileated Woodpecker at Adams Homestead

  18. Intro of speaker - Anna Buckhardt, “Tracking Bird Migration for Conservation” - Paul Roisen

  19. Adjourn at 8:49 PM

    Attendees:  34


 LHAS Chapter Executives


President David Hoferer

Vice-president Paul Roisen

Secretary Randy Williams

Treasurer Jeri Watkins

Director 1 Jerry Von Ehwegen

Director 2 Donna Popp

Director 3 Anne Shaner

Director 4 Rex Rundquist

Director 5 Dotty Zales

Loess Hills Audubon Society Meeting  Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center  5 March 2020


Chapter Executives Present:  Dotty Z., Randy W., Donna P., Anne S., Jeri W., David H.,

Chaper Executives Absent:  Rex R., Jerry V., Paul R.,

Honored Guests: Bill Z., Chuck J., Jody M., Bill H., John and Sharon P., Gary H., Gracie W., Clarissa



6:15 pm

I.       Call to Order at 6:24 PM

II.      Approve minutes from February meeting

A.     No additions or corrections noted

B.     Moved and second to approve the February minutes

III.     Secretarys Report – Randy W.

A.     Waterford Press promotions

B.     Letter, catalogue and price list from the company

1.     Large number of publications available

2.     All are nature-themed, not necessarily birds

C.     We can purchase from the company and resell

D.     One option is that some publications can be custom printed with our chapter’s name and then resold

E.     Could this be a joint venture with DPNC? Adams Homestead? Plymouth County?

IV.    President’s Report – David H.

A.     Rex is recovering following a second surgery

B.     From Dianne Blankenship - Dave Swanson, USD, will lead a bird walk at Spirit Mound at 7:00 AM on Saturday, 2 May

C.     Loess Hills Wild Ones at 10:00 AM on 5/2

D.     Per Rob Schultz, Audubon Upper Mississippi River office, a straightforward, simple fundraising letter appears to be cost effective. It has worked well for other chapters.

1.     Coordinate a paper, mailed request along with an e-mail request

2.     Mailing cost is about $200 to send our newsletter by regular mail

E.     Birds and Brew fund raising idea was suggested

1.     Would a liquor license be required?

2.     How does DPNC handle that for Nature Calls?

3.     Would we be in competition with Nature Calls?

4.     This could be home brewed wine and/or beer with profits going to LHAS

V.     Vice-President’s Report – No report for Paul R.

VI.    Treasurer – Jeri W.

A.     Meeting times change to 6PM (board) and 7PM (general) next season?

1.     May be difficult for working individuals

2.     Tabled to later.

B.     Credit - National funds received – $822.25

1.     Funds from NAS received

2.     Donation from Polifka and Vandemeer families

C.     Debit – $598.95

D.     Balance – $6394.56

VII.   Membership Committee – Donna P., no report

VIII.  Chapter Activities Committee – Dotty Z.

A.     Could someone present a program or programs on:

1.     eBird smartphone application

2.     “iNaturalist” smartphone application and website program

3.     A similar program for youth, known as “Seek”

B.     Looking for program suggestions for next season for LHAS.

1.     Have a look at programs available from 4-H Extension?

2.     Iowa State extension?

3.     Will ask general membership for ideas as well

C.     Could we obtain a listing of home-schooled children to provide an educational field trip or other programs?

IX.    Communications Committee – Randy W.

A.     Three options were presented regarding the new website process – see additional Word document, attached

B.     Discussion regarding the 3 options followed

C.     Board wants to know:

1.     If Option 2 would be selected, what would it take to move to option 3 in the future?

2.     We would go live with a public website (Option 2) and then later move to an integrated public AND private site (Option 3).

3.     Samuel will be contacted regarding this question.

D.     Tabled to the April meeting.

X.     Conservation Committee – Bill Z.

A.     Iowa land and conservation act is not as it is intended

B.     This act should not be supported.

XI.    Projects Committee – tabled to April

XII.   Old Business

XIII.  New Business

XIV.  Tabled Business

XV.   Adjourn at 7:22 PM



7:30 pm

I.       7:32 PM call to order

II.      Announcements

A.     Upcoming outings

1.     March – Marsh Madness March 21 at Ponca about 8:00 AM Singing Hills Walmart

2.     April outing 11 to Gavins point dam with Chuck and Donna

B.     Nominating committee Bill H. or Randy W.

C.     Program ideas for next season? Contact Dotty Zales or any board member.

D.     Ed Sibley and original prairie

1.     Original prairie at the water treatment plant

2.     Meeting for citizen input regarding burning the prairie

3.     People with prairie burn experience are asked to attend to provide input regarding the management process of the burn.

4.     Meeting at 11:30 AM in the second floor meeting room of the Longlines Recreational Center on Wednesday, 11 March.

5.     Contact Ed Sibley at for more information.

III.     Recent sightings?

IV.    Intro of speakers - Dotty Zales & David Hoferer, “Feather Your Garden with Natives” – Dotty


Attendees:  30


LHAS Chapter Executives


President David Hoferer

Vice-president Paul Roisen

Secretary Randy Williams

Treasurer Jeri Watkins

Director 1 Jerry Von Ehwegen

Director 2 Donna Popp

Director 3 Anne Shaner

Director 4 Rex Rundquist

Director 5 Dotty Zales

Loess Hills Audubon Society Meeting Zoom-based webinar 16 April 2020


Chapter Executives Present: David H., Jeri W., Randy W., Anne S., Dotty Z., Donna P., and Rex R.

Chapter Executives Absent:  Paul R., Jerry V. Honored Guests: Maria R., Bill H.


I.                Call to Order at 6:21 PM

II.               Approve minutes from March meeting – approved as submitted, no additions or corrections.

III.              Secretarys Report – Randy W.,

A.     See Treasurer’s report – thank you notes have been sent to those who have contributed to the Leland Schmidt memorial for LHAS

B.     Bill will be submitted for postage and thank you notes ($14.99 - combined)

C.    See Communications Committee report

IV.              President’s Report – David H.

A.     7 May meeting might be questionable due to continuing Covid-19 guidelines

B.     LHAS executives decided to cancel the May meeting due to

1.     Social distanceing measures

2.     Meeting size restrictions

3.     Both might remain in place even in early May

4.     DPNC may not be open in May

5.     Many of our members could be high risk patients if they become infected

C.    Nominating committee report – Bill H. and Randy W.

1.     President nominee – Maria Rundquist

2.     Vice-President nominee– no candidate at this time

3.     Director 2 nominee – Donna P. is willing to continue in this position

4.     Director 4 nominee – Jody Moats

5.     Several names were suggested as candidates for Vice-President, the candidates will be contacted by Randy and/or Bill.

D.    Elections – How should we proceed?

1.     Wish to keep Thursday, 7 May as the election date

2.     We are not quite in compliance with our bylaws but we are working under an extraordinary situation.

3.     A list of the nominees will be sent via MailChimp to the membership

a)     The Vice-President’s position will remain open if no candidate is found.

b)     The membership will be asked to make a recommendation for a candidate.

c)     The recommended candidate(s) will be contacted by a member of the nominating committe or another board member before being placed on the ballot

4.     David H. will set up a Survey Monkey ballot.

5.     The web address of the ballot will be sent to members in good standing of Loess Hills Audubon (not by MailChimp).

6.     There will be a set date and time limit on the survey.

7.     Nominees will be notified of election results by telephone and by email.

E.     Dave has the LHAS display boards in his garage. Is there someone else who could store them for the chapter? He needs the room and would like to get them out, please.

V.               Vice-President’s Report – Paul R., no report.

VI.              Treasurer – Jeri W.

A.     Debits - $4.95 for the current website

B.     Credits - $1085.00 for the Leland Schmidt memorial

C.    Balance - $7474.61

D.    Leland Schmidt Memorial funds

1.     A few more memorials have arrived but have not yet been deposited.

2.     Total for the memorial:  $1177.00 as of 15 April 2020

3.     Is there something special we can do with these generous gifts?

4.     One suggestion was a re-working and revised printing of the Loess Hills bird finding map.

E.     Donation for the meeting room at DPNC for September through March is $210.00.

F.     Loess Hills Prairie Seminar

1.     Motion was made to contribute to the Loess Hills Prairie Seminar as we have done in times past. Since the Loess Hills Prairie Seminar has been cancelled a motion was made to allow the organizers of the seminar to keep the funds we donated to plan for the 2021 seminar.

2.     Second received and vote was unanimous to provide the donation.

VII.             Membership Committee – Donna P., no report

VIII.            Chapter Activities Committee – Dotty Z.

A.     See above for cancellation of the May meeting.

B.     Suggestions for next year’s programming

1.     Will try to arrange to have programs that were canceled due to Covid-19 restrictions rescheduled for the 2020 – 2021 season

2.     Some suggestions were sent by email

3.     Rex suggested Bruce Ellingson, a photographer from Buena Vista County, Iowa. See: or His work is from the Loess Hills, Minnesota, Arizona and western National Parks.

IX.              Communications Committee – Randy W.

A.     Question was raised at the last meeting regarding Option 2 of the new website proposal.

1.     Could we begin with the public aspect of the website and then add the LHAS-only aspect of the site later?

2.     Samuel felt it would be relatively easy to do so.

B.     It was suggested to table any further work on the new website.

1.     Meeting size restrictions would still be in place

2.     Where would Samuel perform the training?

a.     Morningside (Samuel) or Briar Cliff (David) facilities have very limited access.

b.     Prior discussion have been in local coffee shops with background distractions and public wifi with potential security issues.

3.     Elections are coming up and priorities may be realigned.

4.     A decision could be made at the June retreat when current, outgoing and incoming executives could be present.

C.    Randy will contact Samuel regarding the decision and check with him for potential plans this summer and next fall if we decide to follow through with this.

X.               Conservation Committee – Bill Z., no report

XI.              Projects Committee – no report

XII.             Old Business

A.     Birdathon! – are we still planning for this?

1.     No recent announcements

2.     Will still have to follow social distancing guidelines

3.     Traditionally held on International Migratory Bird Day (Saturday, 9 May, this year).

4.     Plans were discussed to possibly allow a range of dates

a.     For example, Friday, 8 May through Monday, 11 May

b.     This would accommodate weather and/or participants who have to work weekends.

B.     A brief reminder will go out with the MailChimp announcement of the slate of officers for the election.

C.    A second MailChimp announcement will go out closer to the date(s) of the Birdathon

D.    The announcement will include a request for per species donation or a flat rate donation.

E.     Bill Huser could provide compilation of the data.

XIII.            New Business

A.     We hope to have a June Planning Retreat to plan the upcoming season provided Covid-19 restrictions are eased.

B.     Recent bird sightings were reviewed.

XIV.            Tabled Business

XV.             Adjourn at 7:25 PM    EVERYONE REMAIN HEALTHY!

LHAS Chapter Executives

President David Hoferer

Vice-president Paul Roisen

Secretary Randy Williams

Treasurer Jeri Watkins

Director 1 Jerry Von Ehwegen

Director 2 Donna Popp

Director 3 Anne Shaner

Director 4 Rex Rundquist

Director 5 Dotty Zales

Loess Hills Audubon Society Meeting    Zoom-based webinar    14 May 2020


Chapter Executives Present: David H., Jeri W., Randy W., Anne S., Dotty Z., Donna P., and Rex R.

Chapter Executives Absent:  Jerry V.

Honored Guests: Maria R., Bill H., Chuck J.



6:15 PM

I.                Call to Order at 6:20 PM

II.               Motion to approve minutes from April meeting – approved as corrected, no further additions or corrections.

III.              Secretarys Report – Randy W.,

A.    Thank you cards were sent for Leland Schmidt memorial donations

B.    See Old Business section below for new website discussion.

IV.             President’s Report – David H.

A.    LHAS election report

1.     15 SurveyMonkey ballots were cast. A .pdf of the election results will be sent with these minutes.

2.     Congratulations to:

a.     New President: Maria Rundquist

b.     New Director 4: Jody Moats

c.     Returning Director 2: Donna Popp

3.     Rex, Paul and Dave, thank you for your service in these positions.

4.     We still need a Vice President

a.     Several names were offered as candidates

b.     Some were contacted and declined

c.     Two new candidates were suggested.

d.     Contact information will be provided to Bill H. and Randy for to see if either would wish to serve.

e.     We may make an appeal when we return to in person meetings and programs.

B.    We have hopes for our Annual Board Retreat in June.

1.     Remains dependent on social distancing guidelines and availability of facilities

2.     Discuss chapter goals and budget for the upcoming fiscal year and advise new executives of their duties.

V.              Vice-President’s Report – Paul R.

A.    Birdathon!

1.     Looks like 193 species at this time, a possible record for our group.

2.     No financial report at this time. Please get donations and/or species lists to Paul ASAP so we can “close the books” on the 2020 Birdathon!

3.     We have a donor willing to provide a “potentially large” donation based on our species count. More information forthcoming.

B.    Thank you to our birders and our pledge donors!

VI.             Treasurer – Jeri W.

A.    Debits - $229.94 total

1.     $14.99 for thank you cards and postage for Leland Schmidt memorials

2.     $210.00 for 7 months of room use at Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center

3.     $4.95 PayPal for website.

B.    Credits - $1202.00 total

1.     $1122.00 for Leland Schmidt memorials

2.     $80.00 memberships

C.    Balance as of 13 May 2020 - $7416.67

VII.            Membership Committee – Donna P.

A.    Summer outings?

B.    Probably mid-summer with appropriate social distancing.

C.    Not June but we will try for a July outing.

VIII.           Chapter Activities Committee – Dotty Z.

A.    All activities at the Zales guest house are cancelled for the summer.

B.    Try to get some of our Covid-cancelled programs rescheduled for next season

C.    New interest in providing online presentations. Someone would have to set up and manage for the presentation.

D.    Need to have a bird identification program

1.     eBird usage presentation?

2.     iNaturalist presentation?

E.    Other possible presenters include

1.     Carol Blair

2.     Don Poggensee

3.     Bruce Ellingson

IX.              Communications Committee – Anne S., no report

X.               Conservation Committee – Rex R., no report

XI.              Projects Committee – Leland Schmidt memorial monies

A.    There was one email suggestion submitted to provide some funds for the new website.

B.    A variety of other ideas were presented ranging from a “Birds of Siouxland” map update to benches along trails to a viewing blind project for Brower Slough.

1.     All are valid projects

2.     The observation blind project at Brower Slough seemed to have the best response.

3.     Paul R. will try to obtain more information for a possible blind construction project for Brower Slough.

XII.             Old Business – Randy W., new website continuation.

A.    Website options

1.     The 5 March 2020 .pdf of the website options was sent to board members prior to this online meeting.

2.     The options were briefly reviewed.

3.     Additional funding from the Leland Schmidt memorial donations eased some financial concerns

4.     Concern was raised that we may be doing too much too quickly and the quality of the website might suffer.

B.    Motion and second was made to proceed with option 2 – a new public website.

1.     Unanimous vote to proceed with the new public website.

2.     Samuel will be contacted to continue development of the public site.

3.     Dave H., Rex R., and Randy W. will be trained on maintenance and development of the public site.

4.     Jerry V. will be contacted for involvement with the public site. We need a good proofreader with meticulous attention to details for the crosswalk between the two sites.

C.    Motion and second was made to purchase our own domain name through Google.

1.     Cost would be about $16 per year

2.     This would simplify the name to prevent further confusion.

3.     This would also allow generic email addresses that could be referenced to specific email addresses and provide some anonymity for our chapter executives.

4.     Motion was passed by unanimous vote.

5.     Samuel will be contacted for the arrangements.

D.    Motion and second was made to establish a G Suite Basic (Google Drive for Business) for a private site for chapter executives. The motion also includes integration with the above public site, MailChimp, and training.

1.     G Suite Basic would be about $72 per year

2.     Training by Samuel for integration, maintenance, and future development of both sites along with MailChimp integration would be $100 for a team from LHAS.

3.     Concern was again raised that we may be doing too much, too soon.

4.     The ideas and motivations are noble and worthwhile.

5.     Samuel felt these additional functions could eventually be integrated with the public site at a later date.

6.     Motion was defeated

a.     Yea – 2

b.     Nay – 5

c.     Abstain – 0

E.    We will proceed with the public site and purchase our own domain name for the public site.

XIII.            New Business

A.    We hope to have a June Planning Retreat, provided Covid-19 restrictions are eased, to plan the upcoming season.

B.    Recent bird sightings were reviewed prior to the meeting being called to order.

XIV.           Tabled Business

A.    Any takers for the LHAS display boards in Dave’s garage?

B.    Is there someone else who could store them for the chapter?

C.    Any other ideas for a storage place?

XV.            Adjourn at 8:00 PM




LHAS Chapter Executives

President David Hoferer

Vice-president Paul Roisen

Secretary Randy Williams

Treasurer Jeri Watkins

Director 1 Jerry Von Ehwegen

Director 2 Donna Popp

Director 3 Anne Shaner

Director 4 Rex Rundquist

Director 5 Dotty Zales


President-elect Maria Rundquist

Director 4-elect Jody Moats

Chapter Planning     25 June 2020

Executives Present:  David H., Donna P., Jerry V., Anne S., Maria R., Rex R., Randy W., Jeri W., Jody M.

Executives Absent:  Paul R., Dotty Z.

Honored Guest:  Dawn S.

      I.        Call to order:  6:22 PM by David H.

     II.        Agenda is short but will require some work

a.     Current board members answer questions and help new board members learn their roles

b.     Set a budget for the new fiscal year (July 2020 – June 2021)

c.     Set our goals as a chapter for the new year (July 2020 – June 2021)

    III.        Chapter Executives

a.     Welcome to new President Maria Rundquist!

b.     Welcome to new director Jody Moats!

c.     Rex – thank you for your service as director!

d.     David and Paul – thank you for your work as President and Vice-President

e.     Donna P. – thank you for continuing as Director 2!

f.      We still need a Vice-President

                                          i.    We will approach the general membership when we return to in-person meetings and programs

                                         ii.    Other names suggested by the chapter executives were contacted by Bill H. and/or Randy W. and no one wished to commit at this time.

                                        iii.    A note could be placed in our newsletter asking for someone to come forward and help.

   IV.        Chapter Committees – see below for listing of committees

a.     Committee Listing

                                          i.    Two questions were raised:

1.     Is there a list as to who serves on which committee?

2.     Do the executives have to approve committee appointments?

                                         ii.    An excellent point was raised in the 2019 – 2020 season that each committee needs to provide

1.     Goals specific to the committee

2.     A list of committee members for that season

3.     Not all committees provided the information in a succinct form.

4.     The following committee information was obtained from minutes during the 2019 – 2020 season and from committee goals and reports on file.

a.     Chapter Activities Committee (report filed for 2019 - 2020)

                                                                                          i.    Chair – Dotty Z.

                                                                                         ii.    Bill H. (outings, secretary, CBC)

                                                                                        iii.    Paul R. (program assist)

                                                                                        iv.    Jerry V. (committee documents)

                                                                                         v.    Jan Null

                                                                                        vi.    Jeanne Bockholt

                                                                                       vii.    Jerry Probst (CBC)

                                                                                      viii.    Carol Blair

b.     Communications Committee (roster from past minutes)

                                                                                          i.    Chair – Anne S.

                                                                                         ii.    Randy W. (SquareSpace website)

                                                                                        iii.    Maria R.

                                                                                        iv.    Jeri W.

                                                                                         v.    Jody M. (Facebook)

                                                                                        vi.    Dawn S. (publicity)

                                                                                       vii.    Jerry V. (Tripod website)

                                                                                      viii.    Donna P. (MailChimp guru, mass communications)

                                                                                        ix.    Bill Huser (Bird Hotline)

c.     Conservation Committee (roster from past minutes)

                                                                                          i.    Chair – Rex R.

                                                                                         ii.    Bill Zales

                                                                                        iii.    John Polifka

                                                                                        iv.    David Hoferer

                                                                                         v.    Randy W.

d.     Membership Committee (roster from past minutes)

                                                                                          i.    Chair – Donna P.

                                                                                         ii.    Paul R.

e.     Projects Committee

5.     A listing of the standing committees and their duties will be sent to all executives. This will include committee membership requirements from Article VII of our Constitution.

b.     We need someone to guide the Projects Committee

                                          i.    Suggested duties of this committee have been delegated to other committees based on the nature of the project.

                                         ii.    We will approach the general membership when we return to in-person meetings and programs.

                                        iii.    A note could be placed in our newsletter asking for someone to come forward and help.

c.     Committee Goals and Members

                                          i.    This was initiated last year.

                                         ii.    Each committee should submit

1.     Specific goals for that committee for the 2020 – 2021 season

2.     A list of current committee members.

                                        iii.    This information will be distributed to the executives

    V.        Treasurer – Jeri W.

a.     Treasurer’s report

                                          i.    Debits - $9.90 to PayPal for May and June website

                                         ii.    Credit

1.     $20.00 for membership

2.     $4029.80 for Birdathon

                                        iii.    Balance - $11,456.57

b.     Budget for July 2020 to June 2021

                                          i.    Fixed Expense Estimates

1.     $225 or less for advertising in Woodbury Wanderings

2.     $270 for use of DPNC meeting room

3.     $220 for SquareSpace website (next due 31 Jan 2021)

4.     $20 for domain name:

5.     $800 for program speakers

6.     $80 for post office box rent

7.     $50 for newsletter expenses

8.     Variable - social expenses, such as coffee, tea, paper supplies.

                                         ii.    The board wants to maintain a $2000 minimum balance.

                                        iii.    We need to keep $1277 of memorial monies for a special project(s)

c.     Thank you to everyone who included LHAS as a memorial gift.

d.     Tremendous Birdathon results everyone! Thank you!

e.     Liability insurance?

                                          i.    There have been past discussion regarding liability insurance

                                         ii.    Maria R. will perform further investigation

                                        iii.    Past discussions did not feel it was necessary

   VI.        Review of Goal Activities List

a.     The 2019 – 2020 Mission Statement, Chapter Goals and Action Plans are available on the LHAS website. A copy will be included with this report.

b.     This report will highlight discussion around specific goals and action plans.

c.     Goal 1 – …educate the public ….

                                          i.    Audubon Adventures is no longer available as printed information that can be distributed to classrooms.

                                         ii.    This will be deleted since the product is no longer available.

                                        iii.    An online version available at:

d.     Goal 2 - …opportunity for study and observation ….

                                          i.    Siouxland Bird Guide

1.     This does need to be revised based on past discussions.

2.     Look at providing a revised version and use recent memorial funds to produce a new guide.

3.     Would like to provide an updated map and guide on the SquareSpace website

4.     Will check to see if a revised guide could be produced as a smartphone application.

                                         ii.    Continue bird food sales as a fund raiser

1.     This has not been profitable for us in recent years.

2.     Need to replace this activity

a.     Native plant sale?

b.     Auction similar to Sierra Club or DPNC’s Nature Calls?

c.     From the board minutes of 3/5/20:  Per Rob Schultz, Audubon Upper Mississippi River office, a straightforward, simple fundraising letter appears to be cost effective. It has worked well for other chapters.

                                        iii.    Provide support for the Loess Hills Prairie Seminars.

                                        iv.    Potential additions

1.     It was felt we need to support a physical project with the memorial monies and the Birdathon funds

2.     Viewing blind project at Brower Slough was well received.

3.     Dawn S. and Jody M. will check for projects at DPNC or Woodbury Parks and Adams Homestead, respectively.

e.     Goal 3 – …contribute to research ….

                                          i.    Maintain bluebird trails and report to the Iowa Bluebird Directory

1.     This may be deleted.

2.     No one attending was aware of anyone involved in this project

3.     Was listed as a goal of the Conservation committee

                                         ii.    Support local nature center, parks and preserves projects (DPNC and county parks, Stone Park, Adams Homestead, Nature Conservancy)

                                        iii.    Potential additions

1.     Bird Friendly Iowa designation for Sioux City and/or Woodbury County

2.     Viewing blind project at Brower Slough

f.      Goal 4 – …promote the conservation of wildlife and the natural environment ….

                                          i.    Potential additions

1.     Bird Friendly Iowa designation

2.     Support for the Loess Hills Prairie Seminar

3.     Possible support for the North American Prairie Conference postponed to 2021?

                                         ii.    It was felt we need to support a physical project with the memorial monies and the Birdathon funds

1.     Viewing blind project at Brower Slough

2.     Dawn S. and Jody M. will check for projects at DPNC or Woodbury Parks and Adams Homestead, respectively.

  VII.        Upcoming activities

a.     Most programs are aligned for the coming season – thank you Dotty!

                                          i.    Thursday, 3 September 2020 - Stephanie Shepherd and Citizen Science Wildlife

                                         ii.    Thursday, 1 October 2020 – Graham McGaffin presents Iowa and China:  More in Common than Loess

                                        iii.    Thursday, 5 November 2020 – Lee Schoenewe and conservation

                                        iv.    Thursday, 3 December 2020 – Member slide show

                                         v.    Thursday, 7 January 2021 – Rex Rundquist and Paul Roisen and eBird

                                        vi.    Thursday, 4 February 2021 – open

                                       vii.    Thursday, 4 March 2021 – open

                                      viii.    Thursday, 1 April 2021 – Jerry Probst and Bill Huser – to be announced (bird identification)

                                        ix.    Thursday, 6 May 2021 – Diane and Warren Marton - Namibia and Botswana-Birds, Beasts, & Beautiful Countryside

b.     The question was asked whether DPNC will be open for our September meeting.

c.     The April meeting is Maundy Thursday – does this need to be changed?

d.     How should we handle treats at the meetings?

e.     Should we be having any sort of a potluck?

 VIII.        Collective Memory

a.     Jerry V. is the primary data repository for this chapter.

b.     Jerry, could you work with someone else so you have a backup for your record system?

    IX.        Adjourn at 7:40 PM. Everyone, stay safe and stay well!

LHAS Chapter Executives

President Maria Rundquist


Secretary Randy Williams

Treasurer Jeri Watkins

Director 1 Jerry Von Ehwegen

Director 2 Donna Popp

Director 3 Anne Shaner

Director 4 Jody Moats

Director 5 Dotty Zales


Past President David Hoferer

Past Vice-President Paul Roisen

Retired Director 4 Rex Rundquist

LOESS HILLS AUDUBON SOCIETY  Zoom Board Meeting Agenda   Thursday, 3 DECEMBER 2020


Executives Present:  Maria R., Bob L., Randy W., Jeri W., Jerry V. Donna P., Dotty Z. Anne S.

Executive Absent:  Jody M.

Honored Guests:  Bill H., David H., Jan N., Dawn S., Jeanne B., Rex R.


I.      CALL TO ORDER at 6:19 PM by Maria Rudquist

a)     Thank you for your Service:

b)     Past President.- David Hoferer

c)     Past Vice-President.- Paul Roisen

d)     Retired Director.- Rex Rundquist

II.     WELCOME to new board people, directors, and volunteers

a)     Vice-President

                                          i.    Bob Livermore has agreed to serve

                                         ii.    Motion to accept Bob’s offer and become Vice-President and second

                                        iii.    Unanimous vote to approve

                                         iv.    Welcome, Bob, and thank you!

b)     Appointment to work with Dotty

                                          i.    Jeanne Bockholt.- Hospitality Chair

                                         ii.    Jan Null will assist when and where necessary

                                        iii.    Dotty will be in contact.

c)     Welcome to new Director Jody Moats even though she is involved with Christmas Lights at the Homestead tonight.

III.    ZOOM account?

a)     Thank you to David H. for arranging tonight’s meeting and prior meetings.

b)     No date has been set for in-person meetings at DPNC

c)     Should LHAs obtain a one-year membership - $149 for up to 100 people for an unlimited time?

d)     Per Dawn S., DPNC just obtained an account and LHAS would be welcome to use that account.

                                          i.    Have to be sure someone with the account would be available for the virtual meeting date and time.

                                         ii.    Just need access to a PC and the account, it does not require someone to be at DPNC for the meeting.

e)     We may be able to provide virtual LHAS general meetings as well at board meetings.

IV.    APPROVAL OF MINUTES .- Secretary.- Randy Williams

a)     One correction was noted from the 6/25/20 Chapter Planning meeting. A corrected minutes from that meeting was sent for review. No other corrections noted.

b)     Minutes stand approved as corrected – motion from Anne S. and second from Maria R.

c)     SquareSpace website update

                                          i.    We are live with

                                         ii.    Have a look and tell me what needs to be improved.

                                        iii.    Need to have a few more conservation-related items

                                         iv.    Thank you for your contributions so far!

                                          v.    Still need to add some things and there is always room for improvement!

                                         vi.    Suggested an idea to have a “Best of 2020” page

1.     Images of the good things that took place this year.

2.     Will send email announcing the call for images

3.     Will set up the page in early 2021

V.     TREASURERS REPORT- Jeri Watkins.

a)     Balance of $11,590.23

b)     Credits from membership, donation and NAS payment

c)     PayPal debit for the Tripod website

                                          i.    Do we need to maintain this?

                                         ii.    Randy stated we can go with the SquareSpace site

                                        iii.    Decision should be made by the board

                                         iv.    Look at both sites and tell Randy what needs to be moved from the tripod site to the SquareSpace site.

                                          v.    Randy will contact Samuel regarding insight on inactivation of the tripod site (automatic routing to the SquareSpace site).

d)     Paul R. knows the most about our PayPal account.

                                          i.    Could someone work with Paul to find out how to handle this account?

                                         ii.    We need to have a back up trained in how to work with this.

e)     We have an upcoming debt for the post office box

                                          i.    Do we need to keep this?

                                         ii.    Rent has increased to $90 per year

                                        iii.    It was felt we should retain the PO box for at least another year.

f)      Randy reminded the board that SquareSpace payment is due at the end of January (approximately $220).

VI.    Outings and Christmans Bird Count – Bill H.

a)     Things are different this year

b)     Covid safety restrictions

                                          i.    No gathering before the start of the count

                                         ii.    No group lunch – bring your own to have in the field

                                        iii.    No group compilation meeting

                                         iv.    Let the count organizers know IN ADVANCE to pre-arrange teams and territories

c)     Counts – information available at:

                                          i.    Wednesday, 16 December

1.     Westfield, IA

2.     Bill and Dotty Zales, compilers

3.     Notify by Friday, 11 December

                                         ii.    Friday, 18 December

1.     Ponca State Park

2.     Bill Huser/Jerry Probst, compilers/organizers

3.     Notify by Monday, 14 December

                                        iii.    Saturday, 19 December

1.     Loess Hills Audubon Society

2.     Jerry Probst, compiler

3.     Notify by Monday, 14 December

                                         iv.    Sunday, 20 December

1.     Yankton area

2.     Roger Dietrich, compiler

3.     Notify by Wednesday, 16 December

                                          v.    Saturday, 2 January 2021

1.     Ida County

2.     Don Poggensee, compiler

3.     Notify by Sunday, 27 December


a)     Director 1.- Jerry VonEhwegen (chapter memory)

                                          i.    Will maintain outing reports

                                         ii.    Will maintain Bird of the Month

b)     Director 2.- Donna Popp (membership)

                                          i.    Chapter-only memberships come due in January

                                         ii.    Will put out a MailChimp announcement reminding everyone of that

                                        iii.    Will use the LHAS PO Box – and we have to be better about checking the mailbox

c)     Director 3.- Anne Shaner – no in-person meetings so no newsletter for the near future.

d)     Director 4.- Jody Moats – Busy at Adams Christmas lights tonight, no report.

e)     Director 5.- Dotty Zales (Program Coordinator)

                                          i.    Building Better Birder workshop coordinated by Dawn S. (see additional .pdf)

1.     This is intended as a package of in-person presentations and outdoor identifications.

2.     No indoor, in-person meeting at this time

3.     Might be able to arrange for a different month?

4.     Depends on future Covid restrictions.

                                         ii.    January Zoom meeting?

1.     We could use the DPNC Zoom account and arrange a virtual meeting.

2.     There was further discussion about meeting preferences, in-person versus virtual

3.     No forseeable date for use of DPNC

4.     A compromise was proposed since this is new

a.     We will try a board meeting in January

b.     Randy will have a short PowerPoint presentation for after the board meeting to provide a demonstration and get some practice

c.     Randy will present a longer PowerPoint program as a Zoom virtual meeting in February.

d.     The February presentation will be open to the general membership provided the January test works.

e.     We can then try other virtual general meetings

                                        iii.    Dotty will contact Jeanne B. and Jan N. for assistance – thank you for helping Dotty!

VIII.      Old Business.- nothing was brought forward at this time

IX.    New Business

a)     Building Better Birder outings coordinated by Dawn S.

                                          i.    No indoor, in-person meeting but we could still arrange an outing.

                                         ii.    Could arrange an outing for February – let Dawn know of a good date.

                                        iii.    February is a traditional slow birding month

                                         iv.    Open for suggestions on where to go for a February (or other month) outing

                                          v.    Might be able to arrange for a different month

b)     Recent bird sightings were discussed

X.     Adjourn – at 7:35 PM

a)     Motion from Bob L.

b)     Second by Randy W.

c)     Motion passed.



LHAS Chapter Executives

President Maria Rundquist

Vice-president Bob Livermore

Secretary Randy Williams

Treasurer Jeri Watkins

Director 1 Jerry Von Ehwegen

Director 2 Donna Popp

Director 3 Anne Shaner

Director 4 Jody Moats

Director 5 Dotty Zales


Past President David Hoferer

Past Vice-President Paul Roisen

Retired Director 4 Rex Rundquist