Minutes for 7 JANUARY 2021
AT 6:15 PM
Chapter Executives Present: Maria R., Jeri W., Randy W., Jerry V., Anne S., Dotty Z., Donna P., Jody M.
Chapter Executives Absent: Bob L.
Honored Guests: Michael O., Jan N., Rex R., Dawn
S., Bill H., Jeanne B., Sharon P
I. Call to order at 6:17 PM by Maria
II. Thank you DPNC and Dawn Snyder for hosting this Zoom meeting
III. Nominating Committee and Elections
a) Chapter Executives with terms expiring in June 2021
i. Treasurer - Jeri Watkins
ii. Secretary - Randy Williams
iii. Director 1 – Jerry Von Ehwegen
iv. Director 3 – Anne Shaner
v. Director 5 – Dotty Zales
b) It should be noted that all of these executives are eligible for
another 2-year term according to Chapter by-laws.
c) Known potential transitions:
i. Sharon and John Polifka have stated an interest in being Treasurer
for 6/21 to 7/22
ii. Randy W. has stated an interest in becoming a Director if a position
becomes available. He does not want to remain as Secretary due to hearing issues.
iii. Dotty Z. has stated she wishes to retire from the board but will
help when needed and attend meetings.
iv. Anne S. has stated she wishes to retire from all responsibilities.
d) We need a nominating committee to start recruiting now
i. If interested, please contact Maria R. or Bob Livermore.
ii. Chapter by-laws state a nominating committee needs to be formed
by the February meeting.
IV. Annual report to National Audubon
a) Submitted 12/29/2019 by Maria
b) Thank you to Jerry V. for all of your help with this!
V. Bird Flight and Music Concert Program (virtual)
a) Video-Program Cost: $150.00
b) Discussion: Do we want to learn more about this program and purchase
the video?
c) Email for Terry Wolkowicz was sent to the board: twolkowicz@nbsymphony.org
d) A copy of the information will be re-sent with the minutes of this
VI. Secretary’s report - Randy W.
a) Approval of December minutes
i. No additions or corrections were noted for the December minutes.
ii. Motion to approve by Dotty Z. and Second by Jan N. and approved
by unanimous vote.
b) SquareSpace website
i. Renewal coming up 1/31/21
ii. Credit card information moved from David H. to Randy W. Approximately
iii. Samuel has turned ownership of the site to Randy W. and LHAS
iv. We need to find a back up for Randy W.
1. Rex R. has expressed interest
2. David H. has expressed interest
3. Anyone else?
4. Will need to provide training at some point.
v. Question was brought up regarding direct payments for credit/debit
1. Not at this time
2. Membership form is on the website
3. Print the form and mail to Donna P. or the PO Box along with a check.
4. Need to check with Paul R. regarding connection to PayPal account.
vi. Need to obtain CBC reports
vii. Working on member slide show for a page on the website.
viii. Question was brought up regarding website link to the LHAS Facebook
1. There is a link but it is not very prominent.
2. Randy will work on that.
c) Program tonight
i. A short “proof of concept” to see about a Zoom program
for the general membership.
ii. This was a short back up in case a live speaker cancelled.
VII. Treasurer’s report - Jeri Watkins.
a) Budget
i. Sent to everyone via email
ii. No vote on the budget noted at this time.
b) Credits – None at this time
c) Debits –
i. $96.95 for our Post Office Box. This is a price increase.
ii. $4.95 for the Tripod website.
d) Balance - $11,493.47 as of 12/31/2020
VIII. Outings and Christmas Bird Counts - Bill Huser, Coordinator
a) Outings
i. January 16 – Winter Owls
ii. February 13 – Great Backyard Bird Count participation
iii. March 13 – To be determined, possible waterfowl migration
iv. Will provide more information for Facebook and website platforms
b) Christmas Bird Counts
i. Westfield - Dotty Zales, compiler – see Jerry V. summary,
ii. Sioux City - Jerry Probst, compiler - see Jerry V. summary, below
iii. Yankton - Roger Dietrich, compiler - see Jerry V. summary, below
iv. Ida Grove - Don Poggensee, compiler - see Jerry V. summary, below
IX. Director/Committee Reports:
a) Director 1.- Jerry VonEhwegen
i. Westfield CBC – 12/16/20
1. 11 teams of 22 birders
2. 57 species and 5806 birds
ii. Yankton CBC – 12/20/20
1. 31 birders
2. 82 species and 13,282 birds
iii. Ida Grove CBC – 1/2/21
1. 14 birders
2. 48 species and 2908 birds
iv. Sioux City – no report yet, will contact Jerry P.
v. Jerry V. will get the information to Randy W.
b) Director 2 - Donna Popp – no report
c) Director 3 - Anne Shaner – no report
d) Director 4 - Jody Moats - Keep providing information for Facebook page updates
e) Director 5 - Dotty Zales (Program Coordinator)
i. Thursday, 4 February – Randy W. – Member slide show
via Zoom and to be posted on the website
ii. Thursday, 4 March – Graham McGaffin
1. Iowa and China – More in Common than Loess, US-China Exchange
on Loess Landforms (UCELL)
2. In 2019 US and China experts met in Yangling, Shaanxi Province,
China to share information on the Iowa Loess Hills and the Chine Loess Plateau.
iii. Thursday, 8 April – Bill Huser and Jerry Probst
1. Bird identification program
2. Bird species are yet to be determined
iv. Thursday, 6 May – Diane and Warren Marton presentation on
their recent birding adventure to Namibia and Botswana: Birds, Beasts and Beautiful
f) Dawn Snyder - Public Relations and DPNC coordinator with LHAS
i. Unsure regarding opening of DPNC for meetings due to continuing
COVID restrictions.
ii. February meeting, 2/4/21
1. Will be via Zoom – the remaining meetings to be determined
2. Possible conflict with an evening DPNC-sponsored hike with Kelly
3. May need to enlist David H. as a back up Zoom host.
4. Dawn will check with Kelly regarding the hike.
iii. Question was raised regarding Zoom requirements/limitations
1. DPNC Zoom subscription can accommodate 100 participants
2. There is no time limit
3. Will probably require two sessions
a. One session for the board meeting
b. Second session for the presentation to the general membership
c. Probably shift the board meeting a little earlier and make sure board meeting is wrapped
up by 7:00 PM
d. This allows time for the presentation to begin at 7:30 PM
e. Will probably require two MailChimp announcements, one for each Zoom session
iv. Question was raised about the recent Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
announcement for donations for the Oak Ridge Conservation Area addition.
Old Business – none stated
New Business – none stated, although
see Addendum, below.
Program tonight is proof of concept for
a Zoom-based program for our general membership.
Business meeting adjourn at 7:08 PM.
I. This was not included in the board meeting discussion. I had to reference this email
and re-discovered these items. I felt they should be brought to the Board’s attention, perhaps for further discussion
in February.
II. Email from Paul R. regarding this meeting
a. Could an inexpensive financial program could be purchased as a time saver for the Treasurer?
i. In December Paul R. sent an Excel budget sheet as an example
ii. A copy of that sheet will be included with this report.
iii. A copy of Jeri’s financial report will also be included.
b. Paul also stated he wants to pull back from coordinating our next Birdathon.
LHAS Chapter Executives
President Maria Rundquist
Vice-president Bob Livermore
Secretary Randy Williams
Treasurer Jeri Watkins
Director 1 Jerry Von Ehwegen
Director 2 Donna Popp
Director 3 Anne Shaner
Director 4 Jody Moats
Director 5 Dotty Zales
Past President David Hoferer
Past Vice-President Paul Roisen
Retired Director 4 Rex Rundquist