Shown below are some of the highlights of LHAS outings in 2017!
Common Redpolls were seen at LWA No. 11-18-2017 |
Photo By Rusty Dungan (not taken on day of outing) |
A Beaver dam has flooded roadside ditch at Owego |
LHAS Outing 11-18-2017 by Randy Williams |
Birders at Owego Wetlands |
LHAS Outing 11-18-2017 by Randy Williams |
LeConte's Sparrow at Luton Wildlife Area North |
LHAS Outing 10-14-2017 by Jan Null |
Pine Siskin at Luton Wildlife Area North |
LHAS Outing 10-14-2017 by Jan Null |
A Sharp-shinned Hawk went zooming by, hot on the tail of a Mourning Dove in the picture below!!
The Mourning Dove escaped!
WOW! Watching S.S.Hawk zooming after a M. Dove!! |
LHAS Outing 10-14-2017 |
Merlin at Owego Wetlands |
LHAS Outing 10-14-2017 by Jan Null |
Birders at Owego Wetlands |
LHAS Outing 10-14-2017 |
White-crowned Sparrow at Luton Wildlife Area North |
LHAS Outing 9-30-2017 by Jan Null |
American Golden-plover at Sandhill Lake |
LHAS Outing 9-30-2017 by Rex Rundquist |
We spotted the Peregrine Falcon below perched in a tree far away, but as we left New Lake it
flew from the perch right in front of us!
Peregrine Falcon-New Lake(had closer view later) |
LHAS Outing 9-30-2017 by Jan Null |
Beautiful view from 252nd street, Woodbury County |
LHAS Outing 9-30-2017 |
Birders at Luton Wildlife Area North |
LHAS Outing 9-30-2017 |
Great Blue Heron at Sandhill Lake |
LHAS Outing 8-19-2017 by Jan Null |
American White Pelicans at Sandhill Lake |
LHAS Outing 8-19-2017 by Jan Null |
Blue Grosbeak (one of a few seen) |
LHAS Outing 8-19-2017 by Jan Null |
White-faced Ibis (far away) at Owego Wetlands |
LHAS Outing 8-19-2017 by Jan Null |
Birders at Snyder's Bend by Highbush Cranberry |
LHAS Outing 8-19-2017 |
We enjoy Butterflies and Prairie Flowers too!
Regal Fritillary&Butterfly Milkweed-Broken Kettle |
LHAS Outing 7-08-2017 by Jan Null |
Sedge Wrens love the prairie!
Sedge Wren on fenceline singing its staccato trill |
LHAS Outing 7-08-2017 by Jan Null |
The Bison at Broken Kettle Grasslands just north of Sioux City are always a treat to see!
Bison at Broken Kettle Grasslands |
LHAS Outing 7-08-2017 by Jan Null |
Birders at Broken Kettle Grasslands |
LHAS Outing 7-08-2017 |
Birders ready for lunch at the Zales prairie home! |
LHAS Outing 7-08-2017 |
Dickcissels are numerous at Owego Wetlands in the summer!
Dickcissel singing its 'dick dick dickcissel' song |
LHAS Outing 6-10-2017 by Jan Null |
Gray Catbird near its nest at Polifkas. |
LHAS Outing 6-10-2017 by Jan Null |
Yuccas blooming in the beautiful Loess Hills. |
LHAS Outing 6-10-2017 |
Eastern Kingbird at Owego Wetlands |
LHAS Outing 6-10-2017 by Jan Null |
Birders ready for a delicious lunch at Polifkas! |
LHAS Outing 6-10-2017 |
Great-tailed Grackle at Table Marsh (Posing!) |
LHAS Outing 4-22-2017 by Carol Blair |
Bald Eagle on Nest at Owego Wetlands |
LHAS Outing 4-22-2017 by Carol Blair |
Spotted Sandpiper at Sandhill Lake |
LHAS Outing 4-22-2017 by Carol Blair |
Great Horned Owls have nested at Owego Wetlands for several years. Sometimes in old cottonwood
trees and sometimes in this goose structure! If you look close you can see the owlette.
Great Horned Owl & Owlette nest at Owego Wetlands |
LHAS Outing 4-22-2017 by Carol Blair |
Wood Ducks (2 males and 1 female). |
LHAS Outing 3-18-2017 by Carol Blair |
Spring and Fall Geese migration in our area is always an awesome sound and sight!
1,000's of Snow Geese were seen |
LHAS Outing 3-18-2017 by Randy Williams |
Numerous migrating Ring-billed Gull's were seen. |
LHAS Outing 3-18-2017 by Carol Blair |
Birders on Lake Yankton. |
LHAS Outing 3-18-2017 by Jan Null |
Birders enjoying lunch at Chuck and Donna's cabin. |
LHAS Outing 3-18-2017 by Randy Williams |
Bald Eagles follow the waterfowl migration and forage on the weak and injured Ducks and Geese.
Some of the 45 Bald Eagles seen at Blue Lake Area |
LHAS Outing 2-18-2017 by Jan Null |
Some of the Geese at Blue Lake |
LHAS Outing 2-18-2017 by Jan Null |
A few of the thousands of flying Snow Geese |
LHAS Outing 2-18-2017 by Jan Null |
Birders at Blue Lake Area |
LHAS Outing 2-18-2017 |
The Rough-legged Hawk is a winter visitor!
Beautiful Rough-legged Hawk! |
LHAS Outing 1-28-2017 by Paul Roisen |
Snow Buntings can be found in the winter also!
Snow Bunting |
LHAS Outing 1-28-2017 by Paul Roisen |
Merlin |
LHAS Outing 1-28-2017 by Paul Roisen |
Photo by Rusty Dungan |